Senin, 31 Juli 2017

Media Pembelajaran

Media Pembelajaran Teks Narasi dapat dilihat pada komik digital berikut ini:
1. Cinderella and The Elf

2. Beauty and the Beast

3.  Putri Suri

4. The Legend of Rawa Pening

5. Little Mermaid

6. The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu
7. Thumbelina
8. Beauty and the Beast
9. Snow White

10. The Legend of Rawa Pening
11. The Legend of lake Toba

Minggu, 30 April 2017

Minggu, 09 April 2017

Rabu, 05 April 2017

Jumat, 31 Maret 2017

Soal Try Out Kelas XII

This  text  is  for  questions  16 and 17

Dear Big Meal's  representative
I'm  writing  to  inform  you that  I had a negative  bad  experience  at your  location  in Columbus,  New Jersey  on August  4.  My receipt  number  is  512, and the person who handled my order  was Alex.
First of all, I recognize  that  you, as  the reader  of this  letter,  are not  responsible   for my  bad experience, but I am  still upset  about  the  situation.
I  went to  the  drive  through  and  ordered seven  meals with  no pickles.  When I received  my order,  I checked  that  all of the  sandwiches and  fries  were  in  the  bag  paid and drove  away.  When  I got  home,  I realized  my number  seven  had  pickles  on it.  I'm  allergic to  pickles,  and  I  didn't want to  waste the  sandwich,  so  I  drove  back  to  the drive  through
to  explain the  situation and  get  it  fixed.
I  feel  very  disappointed  with  this  interaction,  as I  usually  enjoy my experiences at your  restaurant.  To fix  this  situation, I  would like  a coupon  for  a free  meal  of  my choice. I think  an apology  from Alex  is  also  appropriate.
Please contact  me at 555.555.5555  or  email  me back  at I would  like this  situation  to  be resolved  so  I  can  continue  to be  a loyal  Big Meal's patron.

Jim  Korkell

16. What is  the  letter  about?
A.  Applying  for  a job.
B.  Complaining  bad service.
C.  Ordering  a certain  item.
D.  Inquiring Mr Jim Korkell.
E.  Reserve  for  a meal.

17. Who is  in  charge  to take  the order  of  "the  drive through  seryice"?
A.  The cashier.
B.  Alex.
C.  Jim  Korkel.
D.  The manager.
E.  The customer.

The  following text  is  for  questions 18 to 20
Kaka  was born in  Brazilia. From age 4 to  7, his family  lived  in  Cuiaba, following his father,  a civil  engineer.  At age 7, the family  moved to  the  city  of Sao  Paulo, in  the neighborhood  of  Morumbi,  near  the  stadium  of  Sao Paulo  FC. As FIFA says,  " Kaka fails  to  fit  the Brazilian stereo  type  of  the  kid  from  the favela  who first  played  the game in  the  street  with a ball  made from  rags.  Coming  from  comfortable  and  cultured  family, Kaka  kept  up his  studies  as long  as they  were compatible  with his  profession."
His talent  was  soon  recognized.  A professor  called  the  family  and  suggested enrolling  him in  a football  school.  At age  B, Kaka was playing  with Sao  Paulo  FC,  where he succeeded  in  all categories. At age 14, Kaka used  to  wake  up two  hours  early,  to  keep up with his  studies.  Kaka  managed  to  conclude  the  intermediary  cycle  (eleven  y ears)  inBrazil,  before  dedicating  exclusively  to  football.
In  2006,  only 24  years  old, Kaka was one of the  main Brazilian  players  in  the World Cup. Despite the  abundance  of good  players,  coach Carlos  Alberto  Parreira already  said  that Kaka would  start  as a principle.  The  groups  formed  by  Kaka, Ronaldinho,  Ronaldo  and Adriano  was  called  "the Magic Square" by  Brazilian  media fans.

18. Having recognized  Kaka's  talent,  the  professor  suggested  that  ...  in  the  football school.
A. he become a supervisor
B. he enroll  as a member
C. he  accommodate
D. he practice  more
E. he  spend his  free time

19.  The main idea  of paragraph  3 is  ....
A. his talent  was soon  recognized.
B. Kaka  would  start as  a principle.
C. "Magic  square  "was  formed  by Kaka,  Ronaldinho, Ronaldo,  and  Andriano.
D. a professor  suggested  Kaka's  family  enrolling  him in  a football school.
E. Kaka  was one  of the main  Brazilian  players  in  the  World Cup.

20. "His  talent  was soon  recognized."  (Paragraph  2)
The underlined  word  is  closest in  meaning  to  ....
A. predicted
B. registered
C. managed
D. succeeded
E. identified

This  text  is  for  questions 21 – 23

It is  probably one of the  most  important  books  I've  ever read.  Not for  its  heavy philosophy,  practical instructions,  or memorable  quotes; but  for  its simple message of how  wonderful  life  can be when  viewed  through  the  eyes of an innocent  child.
Each  story  is  only  a page  or two,  a delightful  narrative  of  how  Totto-chan  views the  world, and  how Mr. Kuroyanagi  inspires  the children  to  explore, learn,  feel  and  have joy. There are several  charcoal  drawings  that  capture  the  tenderness  of the  stories, making  us feel  apart of Totto-chan's world.
One of my favorite  vignettes  is  the  story  of losing  her  hat in  the  septic  tank  at the school,  and proceeds  to  dig  it out. The headmaster  walks  by, and after a few questions  to satisfy his curiosity, and  hearing her  earnest  explanations,  he lets  her  continue with the simple  instruction,  “make  sure  you  put it all back!”
Totto-chan,  The  Little  Girl at the  Window  is  a celebration of  childhood,  learning and  caring.  We've enjoyed  reading  one  or two stories  for bedtime  off-and-on for a couple of  years,  and  almost  don't  want  to  finish  the book  because  it will  mean  there  are no  more stories.  Totto-chan  seems  so  real and  loveable,  and her  headmaster  is a role  model  for parents  and teachers.
The book  is  written  by  Tetsuko  Kuroyanagi  and  translated  by Dorothy  Britton.

21. What  is  the  text about?
A.  A summary  of children  biography.
B.  The novel of  Totto-chan.
C.  Children's  activities.
D.  A description  of Mr. Kuroyanagi.
E.  The headmaster  and  teachers.

22. Totto-chan,  The Little Girl at the Window is  a story  .  .  ..
A.  of  an innocent  children
B.  containing  philosophy  of life
C.  that  teaches  us that  life is  actually wonderful
D.  that  motivates  children to  explore  the  world
E.  that  describes  good headmasters  and teachers.

23. According  to  the  text,  who inspires  the  children  enjoying  their  childhood?
A.  Tetsuko  Kuroyanagi.
B.  The teachers.
C.  The headmaster.
D.  Dorothy  Britton.
E.  The little  girl.

This text is for questions 24 - 25
There is  a lot  of research  on  both  humans and  animals  on  the  effects  of  caffeine, and there  is  often thought  that  too  much is bad  for us.  There  is  no conclusive  evidence to  implicate  caffeine  consumption  as being  significantly  harmful  to  health,  but  there still is  controversy  with this,  as there  is still  some  negative  effects  associated  with caffeine  consumption.  Having some  caffeine  daily  is  okay,  but using  food  and exercise strategies listed  below will certainly  help  in  reducing  fatigue  and  avoiding caffeine addiction.
Caffeine is  a central nervous  stimulant  and  can  have  some  positive  effects on the  humans  body.  Caffeine  in  low  dosed  is  thought  to  be associated  with  an improvement in  sporting  performance,  increased  alertness  and  reduction  in fatigue potentially  lifting  a person's mood.  Coffee and  tea also contain  some  antioxidants  which have  positive  effects  on heart  health.
However,  increased  amounts  of caffeine  lead to  dependency  due  to  increased tolerance  and  hence  the  need  for  greater  amounts  to  gain the same  stimulatory  benefits. Heavy  users  who gave  to  go without  can  experience  withdrawal  symptoms  such as headaches  and fatigue.  Too much  caffeine  can  produce restlessness,  nausea,  and cardiac.

24. What  is  the  writer's  opinion  about  the text?
A.  Consuming  too much  coffee  is  not good  for  our  health.
B.  Caffeine  consumption  is  significantly  harmful  to  health.
C.  Drinking  coffee  everyday  makes  us addicted  to  it.
D.  Daily coffee  consumption  leads  to hearth  attack.
E.  Caffeine  can  stimulate  user's  mood  and  energy

25. "...amounts  to gain  the  same stimulatory  benefits."  (paragraph  3)
      The  synonym  of the  underlined  word  is  ."."
A.  develop
B.  obtain
C.  improve
D.  collect
E.  enhance

This text is for question 26
The changes  that  our planet has undergone  throughout  its  history as a result  of
natural  factors  like  tiny changes  in  the  Earth's path  around  the Sun,  volcanic  activity  and fluctuations  within  the  climate system.  However,  humans  are having an  increasing influence  on our climate  by burning fossil  fuels,  cutting down  rainforests  and farming livestock.  What is  the  Greenhouse  Effect?  As the  Sun's  energy  warms  up the  Earth, our planet  radiates  some  of this  heat  back  out  towards  space. Certain  gases  in  the atmosphere act like  the  glass  in  a greenhouse,  allowing the  Sun's  energy  in  but preventing heat from escaping.  Some greenhouse  gases,  such as water vapor - the  most abundant  greenhouse gas  are naturally present in  the  atmosphere;  without them,  the  Earth's  average temperature  would  be  an unbearably  cold -18"C  instead  of the  15"C  it is  today.  However, human  activities  are  releasing  immense  additional  amounts  of greenhouse  gases  into the atmosphere  and this  is  enhancing  the green house effect.
26. What  is  the  topic  of the  text?
A.  Relation  between  human  activities  and  'greenhouse  effect'.
B.  'Greenhouse  effect'  as a natural  phenomenon.
C.  Greenhouse  gases  and 'greenhouse  effect'.
D.  Definition  of  'greenhouse  effect'.
E.  Causes  of  'greenhouse  effect'.
The following  text  is  for  questions 27 – 30
Solar  energy evaporates  exposed  water  from  seas,  lakes,  rivers  and  wet soil,  the majority of  this evaporation  takes  place over the seas.  Water is also released  into  the atmosphere  by the  plants through  photosynthesis.  During this process,  known  as evapotranspiration, water vapour  rises  into the  atmosphere.
Clouds are formed  when air becomes  saturated  with water vapour. The two  major types  of cloud  formation  are stratified  or layered  grey  clouds  called surutus  and following white  or dark grey  cloud called cumulus clouds.
Precipitation as rain  or  hail  ensures  the heated  water  returns to  Earth's  surface in  a fresh  form.  Some of this rain,  however,  falls  into the  seas and is  not accessible to  humans.
When rain  falls,  it  either washes  down  hill slopes  or seeps  underground, when snow  and hail  melt, this  water  may  also shrink  into the ground.
Rain fall  also  replenishes  river  water  supplies  so  does underground water.  Snow fall may  consolidate  into  glaciers  and  ice  sheet  which,  when  they  melt, release  their  water into  the  ground,  into  streams  or into  the  seas.
27. The text  tells  about  ....
A.  types  of cloud
B.  how  clouds  form
C" cloud  evaporation
D.  how  water  vapour rises
E.  how water  cycle works

28.  Why  does  water return to  earth's  surface  in  a fresh  form?
A.  It  has been  evaporated.
B.  It is  full  of  water  vapour.
C.  It  is  kept in  the  atmosphere.
D.  It  is  the  form of precipitation.
E.  It is  kept  in  the  form of  clouds.

29. Evapotranspiration is  a process  when  water is  released  into  the  atmosphere by ....
A. the  seas
B. the  streams
C. the rivers
D. the  wet soils
E. the vegetations

30.”clouds  are formed  when  air becomes  saturated  with water  vapour.  (Paragraph 2)”
The word  " saturated"  has the  same  meaning  as ....
A. full
B. dry
C. dirty
D. heavy
E. overload

This text is for questions 31 - 33
Boarding  School Education
While  many  parents send their  children  to  public schools,  there  are  some  other people choose  boarding  school  education.  They  prefer  their  children are  educated there for  some  reasons.
At an  early  age  interacting  and communicating  with people  is  very important  for a child's  personal  life and  can  be especially  helpful  for  his/her  future.  In  a boarding school,  shy  children  can take  advantage of interaction  through  communal activities.  The boarding  school  also  offers a great variety  of activities  such as arts,  sports,  and music that  allow  the  children  to  demonstrate  and  develop  specialized skills  in  their  free  time.
Furthermore,  the  structured  way of life  and  strict rules  at  the  boarding school may help students  to  get  used to  a well ordered  way of life.  The manners and social  skills will help  them  to  become more  responsible  and confident,  and to  develop  their  talents  in leadership.  Professionally trained teachers  and  educators in  the  boarding school  can  offer excellent  education  without  the  parents' constant  supervision.
In  conclusion,  boarding  schools  allow  students to  interact  communally  and to do positive  activities.  Besides  they also  build students  characters.

31. What is  the text  about?
A.  What  makes boarding  school  differ  from  public schools.
B.  Some  good points  of  boarding  schools.
C.  Why people  don't  send their  children to  public schools.
D.  The  comparison  between  boarding  schools  and  public schools.
E.  Boarding  school  education  is  the  best.

32. According  to  the  text,  the  weakness  of boarding  school  is  .  .  . .
A.  it  provides  excellent  education
B.  it is  inappropriate  for  dependent  student
C.  it  can  help  the  learners  develop  their  talents
D.  it makes  the  learners  more responsible  and  confident
E.  it helps the  students  develop  their  talent  in leadership

33. What is  the  main idea  of the  third  paragraph?
A.  Boarding  school  teaches  student to  interact  with  people.
B.  Boarding  school  prepares  student' future.
C.  Boarding  school  teaches  student social  skills.
D.  Boarding  school  has some  professional  teachers.
E.  Boarding  school  teaches  students  to be discipline.

This text is for questions 34 - 36
Detective  Sherlock  Holmes  and  his  friend  Dr. Watson back  on  the  cinema  through the 'A  Game  of Shadows'.  After  the  success  of his  first  film  in  2009,  Guy Ritchie redirected  sequel  of 'Sherlock  Holmes'.
A  bomb  exploded in  Stassbourg,  England soon  became  headlines  in  several newspapers.  Holmes  (Robert  Downey  Jr.) who, disguised  as a beggar  was  busy stalking Irene Adler (Rachel  McAdams),  his enemy which  also  his  idol  that  brings  an  important package.
In  the  sequel of 'Sherlock  Holmes  this  time,  Professor,  James  Moriarty (Jared Harris)  to be  the  most dangerous  enemy. Moriarty  is  not  the kind of  people  who  are hesitant  to  remove the  lives  of  many people  in  order to  achieve  the  goal.  Explosions  in Strassbourg  in  one  of  the  result  of Prof. Moriarty's  creation.
Holmes  is  busy when his  friend,  I)r.  Watson  (Jude  Law)  is getting  married, because marriage  would automatically  make Holmes  lost  his  partner  in  investigating  the  case.
A gypsys  woman, Madam  Sinza  Heron (Noomi Rapace), helped Holmes  get the adventure  this  time.  There was  also  the  Holmes  brother,  Mycroft Holmes  (Stephen  Fry) who came  to be  an  accomplice  of the  detective  this  time.
Farce  as  those  made  by  Holmes and  several other  characters  in  the  film  guaranteed  to invite  laughters.  The  chemistry  between Robert  Downey  Jr.  And  Jude Law  is  not  be doubted  anymore.  Since  in  the  first  film,  the  two  men  are able to  captivate  the audience and  not be missed.
Chess competition between  Holmes  and Prof.  Moriarty became  the ultimate point. They  both  described  the  mind wanders  respectively.  Do you  intrigue  with the  acting of the  detective?  The  film  'Sherlock  Holmes  :'A Game  of Shadows' can  be an  alternative entertainment  at this  weekend.

34. The text  is  about  ....
A.  A review  of "A  Game Of Shadows"  movie
B.  The  description of  Holmes' life as  a Detective
C.  An introduction  of "Sherlock  Holmes"  movie
D.  A discussion  about Robert  Downey  Jr,  and  Jude  Law's  lives
E.  A report of the adventure  of  a gypsy  woman

35. According  to the  text,  the  good thing  of  the  film  is  that....
A.  it shows the readers  how to  do  the  investigation
B.  the  first  film  was a sign that  the  further  film  was also interesting  to  see
C.  the  farce  of characters  is  guaranteed
D.  the  characters feel  sure  of  their  performance  to persuade  to  see
E.  it is  still arguable  that  the  visual  effect can  influence  the  readers

36. Who created  explosions in  Strassbourg?
A.  Robert  Downey  Jr.
B.  Sherlock  Holmes.
C.  Prof. Moriarty.
D.  Dr. Watson.
E.  Jude  Law.
This text is for questions 37 - 38
The  Red Bird  of Paradise
An Indonesian  endangered  species,  the  Red  Bird of Paradise  is  distributed  to lowland  rainforests  of Waigeo  and  Batanta  islands  of West  Papua.  This  species  shares  its home  with  another bird of paradise,  the Wilson's Bird  of Paradise.  Hybridization between these  two  species  are expected  but  not  recorded  yet.
The Bird of  Paradise,  Paradisaea rubra, is  large,  up to  33cm long,  brown  and yellow  bird with  a dark  brown iris,  grey  legs  and yellow  bill. The male has an emerald green  face, a pair of elongated  black corkscrew-shaped  tail  wires, dark  green  feather pompoms  above  each eye  and  a train  of glossy crimson  red  plumes  with whitish  tips  at either  side  of the breast.
The  male measures  up to  72 cm  long,  including  the ornamental red  plumes  that require  at least  six  years to  fully  attain.  The female  resembles  the  male but is  smaller  in size,  with a dark brown  face  and has  no  ornamental  red  plumes.
The diet  consists mainly of  fruits,  berries  and  arthropons.

37. We know  from  the  text that ....
A.  the female Red Bird of Paradise  is  bigger  than  the  male
B.  the  Red  Bird  of Paradise  is  rare  nowadays
C.  the  Red  Bird  of  Paradise  cannot  live  alone
D.  the Red  Bird  is  as  large  as  the  female
E.  the Red  Bird  of Paradise  lives  in  highland of  West Papua

38. "... with  a dark brown  iris,  grey  legs  and  yellow bill ..." (Paragraph2)
The underlined  word  is  closest in  meaning  to  ...  .
A.  wing
B.  tail
C.  breast
D.  eyes
E.  beak

39. Arrange  the following  sentences into  the  correct  and  meaningful paragraph!
1.  But no matter how hard it tried,  it  could  not manage  to  pick  them.
2.  A generous  monkey  noticed  this,  and  threw  him down a bunch
3.  But  the  wife turned  the  crocodile  against  the  monkey: 'If  that  monkey  lives  on bananas, then  its  liver  must be big  and  sweet,' she said
4. The crocodile ate its  fiIl  and  also  left  some  of the  bananas for  its  wife
5.  A crocodile  was trying  to  pick  the bananas which  grew  on a palm  trees  near  its  pool

The best  arrangement of sentences above  is  ....
A.  1-5-2-4-3
B.  5-l-2-4-3
C.  l-5-4-2-3
D. 1-2-5-4-3
E. 5-2-1-4-3 

This text is for questions 40 - 41

announces  the opening
Textiles  & Objects
Jalan  Mas  Mansyur 8
a wholesale  and retail  shop
Designed  by Gunawan  Tirta
Selected  by  Gunawan  Tirta
OPEN FOR  BUSINESS – MAY – 22nd, 2013
PLAZA  3-5105

40. What  is  Ana Iswanti,  Inc?
A.  A Brand  of textile.
B.  A fashion  brand.
C.  A group  of  designers.
D.  A wholesale  and  retail  shop.
E.  A fashion  company.

41. "unusual  and  sympathetic"
The underlined  word  is  closest  in  meaning to  .  .  ..
A.  strange
B.  bizarre
C.  unique
D.  familiar
E.  expensive

Questions number 42 – 44 based on the following cloze text
Octopuses  are mollusks,  a kind of animal  with  a soft  body.  Unlike other mollusks, such  as clams  and  oysters, octopuses  and squid  have  no hard ....  (42)  to protect them.  An  octopus  is  an animal  without  any bones.  Surrounding the  main  portion  of its body is  a fleshy  covering,  called a mantle. Most of the internal  organs of an  octopus  are inside  the mantle.  An octopus  has  two  big   ... (43),  so it  has  very  good  vision.  Seals. eels,  and  other  sea  animals  prey on  octopuses.  An octopus'  main  method  of defense  is  to shoot a cloud of  dark ink  into the water.  The ink  cloud confuses  the  attacker,  and the octopus  jets  away.  Octopuses  can  also ....  (44)  color  rapidly  when  they  are  in  danger. They  change  color to  fit  in  with their  surroundings.  This helps  them  to hide  from prey.

A. skin
B.  scales
C.  seals
D.  shells
E.  skull
43. …
A.  eyes
B.  bones
C.  fingers
D.  thumbs
E.  shoulders
44. ….
A.  complain
B.  wonder
C.  deliver
D.  change
E. breathe

This text is for questions 45 - 46
Damaged Roads
The number  of damaged  roads linking  Jakarta  with West Java  has certainly provoked complaints  from  locals  and road  users.  Take  for an  example,  the roads  in  Bekasi  and Tangerang,  which have  been  the  focus  of the media. Head  of  traffic  officials, Sutraman said "The  road  should be repaired  using  the  right  sort of asphalt,  stones,  and  sand. Repairs  should  be  done cerefully  so that the  roads  can  be prevented  from  constant damage.  Other wise,  the repairs  would  be questioned".
(Jakarta  Daily)
45. The text reports  ....
A.  the damaged  roads  linking  Jakarta  and  West  Java
B.  the  damaged  roads  in  Bekasi  and  Tangerang
C.  the complaints  from  locals  and  road users
D.  the  poor quality  of the damaged  roads
E.  the  poorly  constructed  roads in  Jakarta  and  West  Java

46. Sutraman's  suggestion  is  related  to  his  concern that  ....
A.  many roads  in  Jakarta  and  West Java  are  badly  damaged
B.  many  complaints  are  heard everyday  in  the mass media
C.  the  traffic  is  badly  affected  by  the  bad  road  conditions
D.  road  repairs  may not  be  conducted  appropriately
E.  the  media  continually  report  the  damaged  roads

This text is for questions 47 – 50
Biodiesel  is  a clean  burning substitute  for  petroleum  based  diesel  fuel.  Biodiesel  is made  of vegetable  oil.
To make  or manufacture  Biodiesel,  you must first  start  with  raw  materials. The  raw materials needed  in  the  production  of Biodiesel are  a small  amount  of  methanol  and  a ready  supply  of vegetable  product.  One of the  most  common vegetables used  in  the production of Biodiesel is  corn,  although  depending  on  the  geographic  location  of the manufacturing  facility  many  other plants  are used  as  well (rapeseed,  soybeans,  flaxseed, etc.). The first  step  is  to use  the  raw vegetable product to  make vegetable  oil.  Vegetable  oil by itself  will not  be what  you  need to  power  a car,  from  here  it  has  to  be  processed into
The process  for converting  vegetable oil into  Biodiesel is  sometimes  called ester interchange.  To complete  this  process  the  vegetable  oil has to  be  combined  with a smaller amount  of methanol  and  then  put in  the presence  of  a small quantity  of an alkaline  catalyst (for  example,  50  to  1%  sodium  hydroxide).  Vegetable  oil is  made up of so-called triglycerides,  which is  a compound  of the  trivalent  alcohol  glycerin  with  three  fatty  acids. The goal  of ester interchange  is  to  separate  the  glycerin  molecule  from  the  three  fatty  acids and replace  it  with three methanol  molecules.  This  process  then  yields roughly  90%. Biodiesel and 10%  of a glycerin  byproduct. The glycerin  by product can  be used in  a number  of other  chemical  processes for  different  industries.

47. What  is  the  text  about?
A.  The  process  of making Biodiesel.
B.  The use  of the  Biodiesel.
C.  The advantage  of using  the  Biodiesel.
D.  The benefit  of producing  the Biodiesel.
E.  The development  of the  Biodiesel products.

48. What  are interchanged  in  the  process  of ester  interchange?
A.  The  three  fatty  acids  with the glyserin molecules.
B.  The glyserin molecule  with three  methanol  molecules.
C.  Methanol with the  tree  fatty  acids.
D.  Vegetable  oil  with methanol.
E.  Methanol and  alkalin  catalyst.

49. According  to  the text,  one  of the advantages  in  using  biodiesel is  ....
A.  it is  cheap
B.  it only  uses  vegetable oil
C.  it  uses  replaceable materials
D.  it can be  done  in  small  industry
E.  it  gives less  pollution than petroleum

50. "The  process  for  converting vegetable oil  ..."(Paragraph  3)
The underlined  word  is  closest  in  meaning to  . ..
A.  producing
B.  separating
C.  attaching
D.  processing
E.  changing